hhmmm... está dificil para el caballo... difícil ... arrancar o morir, victoria parcial, o escape perpetuo. Que??? es la vida misma esto??!!! :S
no deja de soprenderme como la neurosis colectiva se muestra en este afán de estarlo interpretando todo.. Pude decir "oh, lindo tablero, lindo dubujo, pero no.... ella se pone a extrapolarlo todo :)
The horse genome has 32 pairs of chromosomes and contains about the same amount of DNA as the human genome (three billion base pairs). The horse genome appears to include vast regions of DNA that do not code for genes, as does the human genome.
One of the most interesting horse chromosomes is 22. It is nearly identical to human chromosome 20 and part of mouse chromosome 2. These three regions not only share most of the same genes, but the genes also appear in the same order among all three species.
The X chromosome is also almost identical in terms of the order of genes between horses and human. Horse chromosome 11 matches human 17.
Despite the interest in picking a Triple Crown winner, Chowdhary doubts that the horse genome will be very useful
mademoiselle p, neurosis colectiva?! Me gusta eso!
Creo que dodos es un apellido, un sobrenombre, para varones que fueron bauptizados Theodoros. Para ese blog es el nombre de un...felino muy querido, de color fuego pero de carácter cool! Que no le quedó mas ninguna de sus nueve (o eran siete?) vidas...
playmobil, σκέψου λίγο, αλλιώς...να το πάρει το ποτάμι;
walter, ευχαριστώ. ΄Ετσι λες; Χμμμ.
ovi, γειά χαρά, ευχαριστώ!
g help me, αίνιγμα... σκακιστικό ζητεί λύση!
pandave, u like chess?
ergo te lina, thanks for the geeky comment! u can have the knight, though- if u want!
mademoiselle p, los poetas andan siempre un poco distraídos...
onomatodosia, danke, dass du gekommen bist; es hat mich sehr gefreut. Bleib bei uns jetzt!...
synas, καθένας ελεύθερος να φαντασθεί την επόμενη κίνηση...
(εκτος θέματος) Τι μπορεί να κάνει ενας φτωχός και μόνος καβαλάρης μπροστα στον ηγεμόνα και τα τσιράκια του; Το πολύ πολύ να βάλει το γαιδούρι του να του κατουρήσει τον τοίχο του καστρόσπιτου!
Dodos, es muy halagador para mí que me digas "poeta", yo soy plutôt una simple neurótica... gracias por la explicación del nombre, después de re-leerla unas 3 veces creo que entenderé mejor :P
Hello Dodos!I'm at a cybercafe because I needed to check my emails.I still don't have my computer.And I still don't know if they will manage to save my stuff in it....I'm glad to find all these messages from my Blogger friends.But I must hurry!Have a nice weekend!I hope to be back...soon!(I have 10 new collages to show you...)
dodos, i have long wanted to be able to play chess but i could not get good at it quickly enough. so, yes, i quit, i am ashamed to say. but i still dream of being able to play a decent game one day.
hhmmm... está dificil para el caballo... difícil ... arrancar o morir, victoria parcial, o escape perpetuo. Que??? es la vida misma esto??!!! :S
no deja de soprenderme como la neurosis colectiva se muestra en este afán de estarlo interpretando todo.. Pude decir "oh, lindo tablero, lindo dubujo, pero no.... ella se pone a extrapolarlo todo :)
y dodos, que significa, es un nombre?
(muchas gracias por tu comentario dodos)
Βρε εσύ είσαι ταλέντο στο σχέδιο! Μήπως θα έπρεπε να το σκεφτείς και επαγγελματικά;
Καλό!!! και πάλι!!!
Ένα μικρό αίνιγμα.
Τα γονίδια...;
haha clever!
Εχω μιαν απάντηση...θα ακολουθησουν
και αλλες....
Ας παιξουμε σκακι λοιπον!...
The horse genome has 32 pairs of chromosomes and contains about the same amount of DNA as the human genome (three billion base pairs). The horse genome appears to include vast regions of DNA that do not code for genes, as does the human genome.
One of the most interesting horse chromosomes is 22. It is nearly identical to human chromosome 20 and part of mouse chromosome 2. These three regions not only share most of the same genes, but the genes also appear in the same order among all three species.
The X chromosome is also almost identical in terms of the order of genes between horses and human. Horse chromosome 11 matches human 17.
Despite the interest in picking a Triple Crown winner, Chowdhary doubts that the horse genome will be very useful
(ahlala, nunca leo los títulos, acaso soy la más neurótica???)
wie immer.
ein künstler.
Ποιος παίζει τώρα; Ελπίζω τα μαύρα...
mademoiselle p,
neurosis colectiva?! Me gusta eso!
Creo que dodos es un apellido, un sobrenombre, para varones que fueron bauptizados Theodoros.
Para ese blog es el nombre de un...felino muy querido, de color fuego pero de carácter cool!
Que no le quedó mas ninguna de sus nueve (o eran siete?) vidas...
σκέψου λίγο, αλλιώς...να το πάρει το ποτάμι;
ευχαριστώ. ΄Ετσι λες; Χμμμ.
γειά χαρά, ευχαριστώ!
g help me,
αίνιγμα... σκακιστικό ζητεί λύση!
u like chess?
ergo te lina,
thanks for the geeky comment!
u can have the knight, though- if u want!
mademoiselle p,
los poetas andan siempre un poco distraídos...
danke, dass du gekommen bist; es hat mich sehr gefreut. Bleib bei uns jetzt!...
καθένας ελεύθερος να φαντασθεί την επόμενη κίνηση...
(εκτος θέματος)
Τι μπορεί να κάνει ενας φτωχός και μόνος καβαλάρης μπροστα στον ηγεμόνα και τα τσιράκια του;
Το πολύ πολύ να βάλει το γαιδούρι του να του κατουρήσει τον τοίχο του καστρόσπιτου!
Shared genes my ass...
Dodos, es muy halagador para mí que me digas "poeta", yo soy plutôt una simple neurótica...
gracias por la explicación del nombre, después de re-leerla unas 3 veces creo que entenderé mejor :P
Oh, des échecs en l'air :)
Esperons qu'il n'y pas de crossing over :)
(oui, c'est un crépuscule)
down to earth and straight to the point!- όπως πάντα!
mademoiselle p,
tres veces...tienes razón, es una respuesta indirecta, por eso complicada...
salut, colibri!
The King eats the wanna-be queen
but the
game will result in a draw..
That s why Teo wrote
Shared Genes.....
Draw ....Good Colour Balance Ddos!
Σ'ευχαριστώ για τα καλά σου λόγια........και ναι έχεις δίκιο για τους ψαράδες στην προβλήτα είναι δειλινό
I wish I could understand your language, you blog looks soooooo interesting!
ergo te lina,
γειά χαρά
susan jones,
Your work is very very clever; thank-you for making me look differently at ordinary objects.
What medium do you use to create your work - do you draw them down first then create it in illustrator?
Hello Dodos!I'm at a cybercafe because I needed to check my emails.I still don't have my computer.And I still don't know if they will manage to save my stuff in it....I'm glad to find all these messages from my Blogger friends.But I must hurry!Have a nice weekend!I hope to be back...soon!(I have 10 new collages to show you...)
Hola Dodos, Olá Dodos, Hello Dodos!
Muito bom seu trabalho, a cada dia me surpreende.
Meus parabéns amigo.
η σκακιέρα που πετά στα σύννεφα ! ωραίο.
man, you are one of those people who is FULL of ideas. lovin' these.
michelle bialowas,
that was a sweet thing to say, thanks.
Just a mouse...
thanks for visiting, i'm looking forward to see your new work- good luck with your computer!
καλώς ήλθες, χαίρομαι που σού αρέσει.
thanks, that 's nice!
ήρθα να δω το ματ στον ουρανό...
περιμένω το καινούργιο.
..πάντα μου άρεσαν οι ταράτσες..
αυτή εδώ όμως είναι η καλύτερη...
Και όλο σου το blog φυσικά!
ευχαριστώ- δεν θ' αργήσει.
καλώς ήλθες, σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ!
dodos, i have long wanted to be able to play chess but i could not get good at it quickly enough. so, yes, i quit, i am ashamed to say. but i still dream of being able to play a decent game one day.
It depends...
it takes a lot of patience...
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